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EAPO amendments as of July 1, 2022

On July 1, 2022, two significant amendments will come into force at the Eurasian Patent Office:

1. The fees paid for legally significant and other actions relating to Eurasian applications and patents for inventions will increase. For example, a single procedural fee for filing a Eurasian application will amount to 36,000 RUB instead of the previously charged 25,200 RUB.

2. The EAPO will act as the International Search Authority and Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). It will be possible to file a PCT application with the EAPO in Russian without the necessity of simultaneous filing its translation, which may be performed, while the EAPO is at the first stages of registration procedures.

MPS specialists are always ready to answer your questions relating to intellectual property rights protection in Russia, EAPO and Belarus. Follow our news and stay up to date with the latest developments in the IP sphere!